Week 23: Finish Strong. Start to begin. And Breathe.

We only have 2 more weeks and webinars left of our 6 month long class!

Enthusiasm is my Ben Franklin makeover word of the week.  It has been one of the easier ones to observe because we have pets.  Our dogs are ever-enthusiatic when they see us ANY time of the day! I have been energetic because of warmer weather and more “moving” time outside, rather than just dull exercises in the house.  Fire in the fireplace today even looks enthusiastic bouncing and dancing as fire does.  We changed the “will” in Scroll 6 so it is more powerful to read with I AM and I DO!

In our Sit time this week, we are to focus on how we, as humans, are a spirit with a body.  I imagined a balloon and a toasted marshmallow.  A thin casing around a spiritual mass.  We have so much more in us that we can imagine.  All we have to do is USE it.  Spending quiet time:  thinking, being in nature that God created for US, still, relaxed, praying, reading.

I Cor 2:15 says, “Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others.”

Prov 20:27 says, “The human spirit is the lamp of the LORD that sheds light on one’s inmost being.”

We are spiritual.  We are not religious.  God wants us to be a light to others.  Shining, drawing them near to Him, knowing that they are whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy….if they choose to believe it.  When we live it, they are drawn to us.

Job 32:8–But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand.

Listen to, rather than read, the words:

Doesn’t it sound like Silence?  God’s breath?  When the wall come tumbling down, all we have to do is breathe.  And look for the good.

2 thoughts on “Week 23: Finish Strong. Start to begin. And Breathe.

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